Stop doing this

“Just touching base”.

Sometimes AKA… “just checking in”.


Are you sick of using it yet?

Are you bored of saying it (or even worse, texting it)?

Are you getting significant traction from it?

If you answered yes, yes, no, then maybe take some time to go deeper into your database and become more aligned with your people.

In other words…get more intentional with your database.


We talked about service over sales here, and that’s a good first start.

Because when you break down what service over sales looks like, it’s most definitely not….”just touching base” or “just checking in”.

So instead of quick-firing a vapid “just checking in” or just touching base”, do a quick litmus test, and ask yourself the following:

  1. Am I delivering value through this interaction?

  2. Am I building a deeper relationship through this interaction?

  3. Am I being intentional with this interaction?

  4. At the very least, am I delivering entertainment through this interaction?

What this all looks like depends on, well… the person you’re trying to engage with.

Remember. Intention.

Here are some ideas to get you moving in a more intentional direction:

  1. Organize your database into segments based on your current relationship status with each contact. Use this personalized classification system to target specific groups, fostering the best engagement while deepening relationships. Having specific groups will help narrow your focus and make time blocking for the specific activities easier to accomplish.

  2. Stay alert and exceed expectations. Find inspiration for this anywhere - a new lead's unique hobby, someone's social media for special events, or a “spontaneous” act like sharing a life-altering book.

  3. Go one level deeper. An obvious example - instead of sending a generic market update, take time to go deeper into their specific neighborhood and craft a truly valuable-to-them piece of content.

  4. Open your calendar. Look for opportunities to invite people into your calendar. See an investor seminar that looks interesting, why not invite a few (relevant) people to join you. Even if they can’t make it, you’ve just demonstrated alignment with them, and learnt something yourself.

  5. Just ask. Honesty is really refreshing now days. If you don’t feel very aligned, just come out and say it. And ask them what you can do to be of higher and better service to them. It’s way more refreshing than “just checking in”! Here’s one easy script you can use to start this conversation. “Hey, I’m just curious has anyone taken the time to ____________”. The blank can be anything from “explain the new laws about investment properties and second homes” to “update you about the big lawsuit that everyone is talking about and how that might impact you as a seller/buyer in the future”.

In a soft market, people look for more substance, and higher levels of expertise and guidance. “Just checking in” is no longer cutting it.


Advisor Spotlight: Anna Petersen


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