The Blog
Thought leadership, career tips, and musings on building a better life.

Your Business Blueprint
In this episode of the Real Better Life Podcast, Rob and Dave talk about why a business template is so critical to long-term success and unpack the components of an effective business blueprint.

Running your Business like a Business
In this two-part series, we dig into the practical application of how to run your real estate business like an actual business.

Measure What Matters
“If you’re not tracking and reviewing stats for yourself and your organization daily, then you’re not a professional – this is just a hobby for you.” What do you think?

Maintaining Flow
When you think about this concept of flow state, are you aligned in your business and life? Are you getting the traction that puts you into a flow state? Are the “ingredients" all there for you?

A Simple Switch
As the real estate markets transitions through another shift, and moves into the seasonal up-swing, think about how you can lean into the fear. The simple switch of service > sales.

Simplify to Amplify
Time. It’s the only thing we can’t make more of. But there is always time for that which is most important. Are you freeing up enough time to achieve your mostimportant goal.

Advisor Spotlight: Brandon Sampson
Tired of not being able to engage in his passion of mentoring and leading people, Brandon talks about how he lost sight of what he truly wanted and the change that needed to happen to come back to his true better life.

Advisor Spotlight: Kyle Vasey
After witnessing the appalling way a family member was treated by a real estate agent, Kyle set about taking action. The only way he knew how was to enact change himself.

Advisor Spotlight: Brittany Brennan
Hear directly from Thriver Brittany Brennan on how she ignited her real estate career - even though she was new to the area, didn't have a network, and didn't have a prior real estate background.

Getting Comfortable with Accountability
There’s a huge difference between healthy accountability and the stick-and-carrot, hold-your-feet-to-the-fire type of manipulation that is designed to make us perform to avoid guilt and shame.